Subscription valid for 1year - $29.95 optional annual renewals
Ideal for quick detailed home inventory for a specific use like recreating contents for an insurance claim, a single use home inventory or to share with family for estate settlement decisions, downsizing, a move, or divorce. Can be extended as needed.
Up to 3,500 assets with photos
Up to 3 Properties (ex. Beach House, Main House)
Detailed reporting available in Excel, CSV or with photos in a PDF
Long term
Subscription valid for 5years
Ideal for ongoing updating of home inventory and keeping current over time, adding estate planning bequeaths, adding history and stories behind treasured items, maintaining user guides, warranties, etc. Annual updates and maintaining changes is best approach for insurance claims when needed.
Up to 3,500 assets with photos
Up to 3 Properties (ex. Beach House, Main House)
Detailed reporting available in Excel, CSV or with photos in a PDF
Subscription valid for 10 years
Same as Long Term; best value.
Up to 3,500 Assets with photos
Up to 3 Properties (ex. Beach House, Main House)
Detailed reporting available in Excel, CSV or with photos in a PDF