Planning and creating rounds as an independent, neutral party, specific to your family. (See Other Services)

How To Buy The Right Plan For You

If you are attempting to upgrade from a free inventory account, DO NOT PURCHASE HERE! If you already have an account please log into your account and upgrade there

Please Be aware that you can only buy one plan per account. Buying mulitiple plans, or creating multiple orders will result in multiple accounts being created. If you need to change your plan details please contact us for help

Planning and creating rounds as an independent, neutral party, specific to your family. (See Other Services)


  • David, our founder, will provide over ten years of experience in helping create your best division outcome. Includes basic administrator coordination and management of normal rounds as designed, to maintain independent, impartiality, and to avoid real or perceived Administrator advantage; particularly advised when an executor or trustee is also an heir / Divisee. Typical coordination 3-4 hours.
  • David will also coordinate with the executor / trustee to ensure impartial application of the process to adhere to the estate plan guidance.
  • Due to added complexities involved, a .005 of Asset Market Values premium will be charged for estates listing over $100K Market Values and having David serve as Administrator.
  • Note: The independent role aspect is also possible by giving the administrator role to ANY trusted independent party prior to assignment rounds beginning.